
Showing posts from February, 2019


Sitting with her head propped on one hand she stares down at her phone while the remains of a yogurt congeals in front of her.  Wrapped in the easily recognized Thoroughbred green and gold she looks blankly into the crowd accumulating in front of her eyes, but quickly diverts her gaze to the companion next to her when tapped on the shoulder.  The conversation is held in hushed tones, hunched around the table with arms folded across their chests.  Not believing what is being said she seems taken aback.  After their previous encounter in Northwoods she thought they would never speak about it again, but secrets like this cannot be so easily ignored.  She needed to plan how they would deal with their current situation, if anyone had seen what they had, or if she should just cut her losses.  Reaching some sort of conclusion she exchanged brisk, consoling words that everything will work out eventually she just needed to take care of something.  The companion leaves and she returns to looking

Momentary Blindness

Being in the physics lounge is almost second nature to me now with how many hours I've spent here throughout the days and long nights.  A lecture for the introductory mechanics course is going right behind me in the adjacent room.  The new students will learn about the most basic forms of physics, but now they're simply learning the how to take measurements and record data.  The professor writes out notes on the chalk board with the painfully familiar clacking of chalk on board.  Students are rustling pens and paper to keep up note taking.  In the background the hvac system is slowly grinding through the day to stave of the cold that seeped up from the ninth ring of hell.  While the clock constantly ticks forwards reminding us that everything will keep moving forward no matter how much we wish it didn't.  People are shuffling throughout the hallway passing by the open door.  Trying not to slip from the snow melting on the bottom of their shoes, or the heels of the wooden so